Monday 31 August 2009

In honour to Mother Teresa...

In honor to Mother Teresa, somebody who changed the world with her love, her smile and her incredible big heart.

Saturday 29 August 2009


Hello Language Scuba Divers

What are you doing today????? Today is rugby and hockey time!!!!!!!! I hope you scored a lot of goals and tries, and I also hope you are having a nice time. Now I am going to ask you some questions...
What do you like about rugby/hockey?
Why do you like playing rugby/hockey?
What do you like more playing a match or training?

ByeBye Language Scuba Divers

Hope you enjoy this post

Tuesday 11 August 2009

Haunted Castle

Hello everybody!!
I´m Jessica
As we have been talking about ghost stories, I would like to share this one with you, I found it in a magazine and I hope you like it!
Creepy Caretaker
Ireland´s Malahide Castle belonged to the Tabot family for about 800 years, except for a ten-year period after a politician evicted the family. The castle was later retured to them, then sold in 1975. Perhaps the family´s eviction brought about the castle´s most famous ghost. Puck, the spirit of a castle caretaker, it said to show up whenever he doesn´t like something that´s happening at Malahide. One man claims he saw Puck shaking his head disapprovingly just before an auction of the castle´s furnishings. Maybe Puck was still looking out for the Talbot´s welfare....
Do you believe in this story? Or do you think it's just imaginary, or has somebody just invented it?
Please comment!!