Saturday, 29 August 2009


Hello Language Scuba Divers

What are you doing today????? Today is rugby and hockey time!!!!!!!! I hope you scored a lot of goals and tries, and I also hope you are having a nice time. Now I am going to ask you some questions...
What do you like about rugby/hockey?
Why do you like playing rugby/hockey?
What do you like more playing a match or training?

ByeBye Language Scuba Divers

Hope you enjoy this post


  1. Hello Martin!
    A good idea for your post!
    In my case I enjoyed playing hockey because I enjoyed being with my friends and getting to know other players of other teams.
    I think that in order to play a good match, you need to train!
    Hope you have a nice weekend!

  2. Hello Martin!
    Weel, yes, I am having a great tiem these weekend. On Friday I went to Celi's house, then I went to the hockey match and then I went to Martu's house to sleep! In Hockey and Rugby, I like becuase I play with my friends having a GREAT TIME! Also, becuase I like playing! jaa! Question 2 is like the answer of question 1. jaj! I prefer playing MATCHES than playing! Because I enjoy it, I don't know why!jaja!
    Kisses Belen D

  3. Dear Martin I like about rugby that its fun and I Im good. I like more matches because I think that a match is a training but in a more funer game.

